Do you know the mania that made you keep holding your "mobile phone" the whole day waiting for her private ringtone .. just hearing it means that she is calling , and that your mania is gonna be extreme now !!
Do you know the mania that made you jump to your computer when you just hear the Tone that means someone has just "signed in" the your messenger .. wondering if she is there !!
Do you know the mania that made you sending her tons of sms daily .. waiting her replay that didn't come ever .. and its really a disaster waiting every delivered sms expecting her !!
Do you know the mania that made you drive your car miles away .. without being tired ... just to be near to her home , and even without seeing her , that's what almost happened !!
Do you know the mania that made you calling her , without saying a word .. just enjoying her voice while talking to you .
Do you know the mania that made you keep old stuff , for years .. even if it seems to be worthless , but its enough that she touch it once before to make it a precious thing to me !!
Do you know the mania that made you started to believe that you are gonna be totally "insane" as soon as possible !!
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